Re: [orca-list] Skype's not accessible, but...

Hi Josh,

On Mi, Aug 29 2007, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

I'm a Mac user, mainly, but I do run Ubuntu 7.04 in a virtual machine
on my Mac with Orca.  My girlfriend, a less technically inclined but
more adept Ubuntu user, has been trying to find any information that
will allow her to even do the most basic things in Skype...even if
only a hot key to answer incoming calls.
To accept an incoming call, press tab followed by space. Maybe you have
to do it twice.

To hang up, press shift-tab and space.

Calling other people is also possible, if you know their skype
name. Press tab, enter the skype name and press enter. Repat this
procedure until you hear the sound which is played when making calls.



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