Re: [orca-list] using several languages/voices with Orca and SD

"H" == Hermann  <steppenwolf2 onlinehome de> writes:
    H> Hi I set up Speech-dispatcher with Espeak in German as default
    H> and Flite as second language in English. When typing: spd-say
    H> "german text" and spd-say -l en "english text" it uses the proper
    H> module for the demanded languages. But I cannot change languages
    H> in Orca's speech settings. Why do the SD settings not affect
    H> Orca? Maybe I've forgotten something?
I think that you set all right. But in this moment speech dispatcher
backend not support chose of voice or language. We work on it and I hope
that will be ASAP done.

Now you can make so, that flite will be as default and espeak as second
or you don't need make second only default because you can set
parameters for speechd-up in
/etc/speech-dispatcher/clients/speechd-up.conf file for example so:

# Local configuration for speechd-up

BeginClient "*:speakup:*"
        DefaultPunctuationMode "some"
        DefaultLanguage "cs"
        DefaultModule   "festival"
        DefaultRate 80
        DefaultVolume -10
        DefaultPitch 40

Then you need include this config file on end of speechd.conf file.



Jan Buchal
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