Re: Orca Sorry, but the bookmarks menu bug is back

Hi Hermann and Will.

I looked at this issue a bit this morning. I can occasionally make it occur, but not yet reliably. On the times it has occurred, the last thing I had done prior to getting into the Bookmarks menu was make some changes in a dialog (e.g. Orca Preferences, Firefox Preferences). I'll keep at it.
In the meantime.... Hermann, if you can make it happen reliably, it 
would be helpful to have the exact sequence of steps including things 
you did immediately prior to the bug occurring -- even if those things 
seem irrelevant to the bug.

Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Hermann:

The AT-SPI implementations in FF2 and FF3 are completely different. The FF3 AT-SPI is a work in progress and still has a number of unfortunate problems. The bookmarks menu problem is one of these things we need to develop a good test case for and then bring it to the attention of the FF3 team. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my machine at all. We'll keep looking at this, though.

hermann wrote:
Hi Will,
it seems, that this is a specific FF3 issue. I never experienced it in
FF2. Are both versions that different?
To display and read a menu seems to me a basic function of any program,
so what's the difference especially in that case?

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