Re: Orca is now crashing Firefox 3.0

Yes, I can confirm this. It's really a regression of firefox.
We will work on this.
Please use the nightly build before the regression took place as a
temporary solution.


hermann wrote:
Hello Lorenzo,
I made the same experiences, but with FF3 from the 11th of March. The
Saturday's version worked brilliant. I didn't make your test to run FF
without Orca, so I concluded that's something wrong with the latest
nightly FF.
To resume our weekend's discussion Imust say that it doesn't make much
sense to argue over virtual buffers or other accessibility things as
long as Orca and FF3 are that unstable. The main goal should be to
create stable programs, both Orca and FF alike.
Note to Krishnakant: I strongly recommend to install a text based
browser, or to use the installed w3m, since we have a long way to go
toward real accessibility of webpages.

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