Re: [orca-list] Thunderbird: Seven weeks and only little progress!

Hi Hermann,

I'm going to test the latest Thunderbird; today there's a new version after 7 weeks.
Let me say that I'm more than disappointed:
Please file bugs. Start off filing them against Orca, and when it's 
shown that they are clearly in
Thunderbird, we'll file bugs in the Mozilla Bugzilla database accordingly.

As a point to note, we (Will, Joanie, Mike, myself and several blind Orca users) met up with a few Firefox/Mozilla staff yesterday to talk over issues. One thing is clear. They are currently concentrating on Firefox. There hasn't even been a Thunderbird v2.0 release yet, so v3.0 (the one where accessible problems are being fixed) is quite a ways off. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't let them know about their bugs. Early and often.

PS: Back to CSUN. If we go quiet, we'll catch up next week.

No progress in stability: When I open a message to read it, TB crashes after I've closed it. In the messages list I still cannot read the headline, I still se "Cell" as only information. Sluggishnes in response: To scroll the folders tree can last a few minutes, especially after start up I've to wait literally minutes before reading anything. The same happens when I try to route the flat review; it last about 5 minutes till I get a response, and BTW, the routing patch implemented for FF doesn't work here. When I compose a message, I Get the headlines spoken again and again when I type in text, and the text isn't shown on my braille display; only in the message body Orca acts correctly.
Caret browsing only works reliable when the Orca control is turned on.
Sumary: Still unusable.

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