[orca-list] Orca braille support: brltty running problems

First of all I'm sorry if you have already discussed this problem.

I've just update my ubuntu linux from version 6.10 to 7.04 using apt-get.
Everything seems to work fine except for brltty starting:
I removed it from /etc/rc.local and when I but my pc the braille dowsn't work (as I espected).
Then, if I start brltty manually (sudo brltty) the situation is the following:
first I read the normal wellcome message "BRLTTY 3.7.2", then I can read the prompt for a few seconds and, 
afther that, a new wellcome message says "BRLTTY 3.7.2" followed by "1 start up problems"
Using "ps" I understood that there are two brltty processes but I run it just once. The problem is that, in 
this situation, orca braille support doesn't work.
What can I do?

Thank you very much


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