Re: [orca-list] Extracting a portion of an audio file

Hello, list.

"m8i" == matthew 83\ inwind\ it <matthew_83 inwind it> writes:

m8i> Hi, I have an other little problem. I'd like to extract a portion
m8i> of an audio file (wave format) but audacity is not accessible.
m8i> How can I do? Is there any accessible program (or a shell
m8i> program) to extract a portion of an audio file? Thanks a lot

You may try mhwaveedit ( It's
available via apt-get on ubuntu. It's simple yet very nice and
accessible sound editor. After installing it don't forget to change
the output from jack to alsa in a preferences dialog and restart the
program. After that you're ready to go. There are two other sound
editors, gnusound and snd which are somewhat accessible but I failed
to do anything useful with them.



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