Re: [orca-list] progress of progress bars is not reported., is it a known thing?

On So, Mai 06, 2007 at 08:07:58 +0200, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
I'm still for the beepomania thingy. You could have braille updating in
realtime, but beeps are faster than speech, because when speech have
said "9%", it's already gone to 100%. (at least that's the case on fast

As said before::::
Please do this adjustable if really wanted.

To Will:

I think the flat review should reflect the screenlayout with all of its 
radio buttons, checkboxes, slidersetc.
It is nice to have a shortcut to get the Status but the user needs to 
know that there is E. G. a checkbox.

By the way: In braille are these things not 
availabe currrently.

Another question is: 
Why are the labels of some controls placed not on the right order like 
on the real screen???
PS. The refresh problem should be fixed.

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