[orca-list] Help Please? Newbie can't get Orca to work from the live CD

Hi everyone,

I am running an HP Compaq Presario desktop, 3 GHZ processor, and 768 MB of DDR Ram. I downloaded and burned a copy of the latest Ubuntu CD, the file was called:

I followed the instructions at:


to get the live CD up and talking, but Orca does not come up talking when the CD boots. I am assuming it is booting because I get the little musical tone.
this is my very first experience with the Gnome Linux environment, and 
graphical linux in general with software speech. If anyone can write to 
me, off list if you like, at:
tate886 anntate com

or point me to some good links for beginners that will give me more details as to how to get Orca to come up talking with a live Ubuntu CD, please let me know. Is it possible to start Orca after the Live CD boots? I'm sure it is, but haven't found the exact answer on the above mentioned site.
Remember, folks, no instruction can be too basic for me, so don't worry 
about offending me or anything, really. And, I apologize for such a 
beginner type question. This is what happens when your brain turns to 
mush after using Windows for so many years. LOL!
I really want to be able to poke around with Orca on this live CD before 
i actually install it to my hard drive.
Thanks all.


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