Re: [orca-list] interesting performance with speech-dispatcher and orca.

Hey Tomas:

Hello, I think I have found the problem.  It seems to be a regression in
the Orca speech interface, since I haven't seen this in the time of
writing the backend.

Ha!  Looks like we found the problem at the same time:  the getInfo()
method of speechdispatcherfactory was returning a tuple and not a

For the record, getInfo() has always been specified to return a list.  I
suspect that the bug wasn't noticed, however,
until we actually started expecting the return value to be a list
elsewhere in the code.

If it proves to solve the problem for you, I will send a patch to bugzilla.

I put a patch on bugzilla just a couple minutes ago -- we were thinking
along the same lines.  I also just posted your mods as a patch.  Either
one is OK by me.  Can you take a look at them and see which you prefer
since you are the maintainer of

So folks stay away from SD as speech system until this has been solved. You 
can choose SD as synth, that should do no harm.

I thing there is a major misunderstanding going on here.  It has been
stressed several times that the SD backend is an experimental code.  As
such it needs to be tested. 

I agree - "use at your own risk" means "use at your own risk".  It
doesn't mean "don't use at all."  :-)

To give you an example of how using this at your own risk has helped:
it has exposed problems, it has brought them to our attention, and we
have at least one potential fix in place.  This community is good stuff.


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