Re: [orca-list] some more issues with orca and speech-dispatcher.

Hi Herman,
I visited the ftp site and got the necessary deb packages.
now I issue dpkg -i for both the packages as super user.
but I get error about dependency which says that libflite1 is required
and that speech-dispatcher can't be started.
fortunately I have done sudo apt-get install libflite1 and hope this works.
the place where I am doing this has a very slow internet connection so
I need to wait for the result.
meanwhile, what has libflite1 to do any thing with speech-dispatcher?
and secondly will just stopping orca and restarting help or should I
do orca -t for setting it up again?
On 16/05/07, hermann <steppenwolf2 onlinehome de> wrote:
Check the latest packages of SD and Python-speechd (0.6.2-3,)
make sure you have the appropriate packages for your AMD64-bit machiine.

Install both, reatart Orca and change the speech settings.
To check SD version type
speech-dispatcher -v

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