Re: [orca-list] Gnome-speech is silent after changing form SD back to GS

On Do, Mai 17, 2007 at 12:41:50 +0200, Hermann wrote:
in order to test the reading behavior in OO, I switched speech back from SD 
to GS, to see if any changes ocur.
After selecting GS as system and Espeak as synth, I heard - nothing.
The speech stays silent even afte restartign Orca. The sound device is OK, 
I can play sound files.
When using GS as systen and SD as synth Orca is talking. Using GS with 
Festival results in silence.

check the speech settings like rate and pitch for festival.
BTW. festival over gs uses OSS and not alsa.
That can be the problem?
I do not use festival at the moment but switching from sd to gs works
for me.

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