Re: [orca-list] Orca, Gnome-speech and eSpeak: using voice variants

Just to follow up on this, eSpeak has a method to get the available
voices.  This is what the gnome-speech driver uses to determine which
voices are available:

const espeak_VOICE **espeak_ListVoices(espeak_VOICE *voice_spec);
/* Reads the voice files from espeak-data/voices and creates an array of espeak_VOICE pointers.
   The list is terminated by a NULL pointer

   If voice_spec is NULL then all voices are listed.
   If voice spec is give, then only the voices which are compatible with the voice_spec
   are listed, and they are listed in preference order.

The call being done in the gnome-speech driver is:

    voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);

Thus, all voices should be obtained.  It appears as though voice
variants are not returned as a part of this call, though.  I'm not sure
if this is a bug or not.  I'm BCC'ing the eSpeak folks to get their
opinion on this.


On Sun, 2007-05-13 at 00:50 -0400, Joseph Brouhard wrote:
Is there any way to select a varient of an eSpeak voice in Orca? For
example, I want Orca to speak with the female en+12 voice. Is this
possible, and if so how?

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