Re: [orca-list] orca and vmware

Vmware server works under ubuntu feisty, but you will probably need a
patch for it, as it is unable to compile a set of kernel modules as is.
Unfortunately I can't remember the web address for the patch, but it
came up near the top of results when searching for "vmware ubuntu
feisty" or something along that line.

Vmware needs to run with administrator permissions (I think, but if you
follow the Orca instructions for working with administrator rights
needing applications then you can get vmware to speak with orca). There
are some buttons which don't seem to have a speakable (text) label, but
they seem to follow the usual order.

In this setup you will need a windows screen reader and some way to
install windows, as Orca cannot read any of the virtual machines (unless
it is another system running gnome with orca installed in the virtual
machine, but its the version of orca in the virtual machine which would
be reading that virtual machine). To put it another way, consider all
software in virtual machines separate from other virtual machines on
your system, and your actual system is separate from the virtual

I don't know how things run in wine, but I think Orca will be unable to
read any of these, I don't know if you could install a windows screen
reader in wine, and get that to read anything, and when I tried running
a basic windows text based app through wine (you can get linux screen
readers to read this as it isn't creating a new window it will be
running in the text console (or gnome-terminal)) it ran incredably
slowly, but that might have just been that app.

Michael Whapples
On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 04:30 -0400, Guy Schlosser wrote:
Hey there Henrik and all.  Those were some awesome directions on 
running a vmware server under Windows.  How would I go about running 
vmware under Linux (I.E. I already have my Ubuntu feisty installed on 
my laptop, and I want to create a small Windows VM for doing things 
like playing Troopanum and the like).  Does Orca run well with vmware 
under Linux?  Or, has anyone had any experience getting audio games 
like Troopanum and Pipe to run under wine?  Any help would be greatly 



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