[orca-list] GNOME Boston Accessibility Summit Summary

Hey All:

Just wanted to drop a note regarding the GNOME Boston Accessibility Summit. Many thanks for letting us have the room to hammer away on problems and planning, and many thanks to Owen Taylor for all the work he did.
I think the GNOME Boston Accessibility Summit went very very well this 
year.  We had about 20 people actively participating and working on very 
focused issues.  Heck, we found ourselves so focused that we forgot to 
go out for lunch and ended up ordering delivery.  Many thanks to all 
those who attended -- your willingness to work and stay focused are what 
made it successful.
A summary of the accessibility summit can be found here:


Please review the summary and feel free to corrections or add things we may have omitted. Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing us complete the work we've laid out for ourselves.

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