Re: [orca-list] Emailing: msg00005.htm

Thanks Kenny and Janina,
I passed the  "ttsynth_say hello" test, so it looks like ttsynth is
installed.  I'm getting stuck on installing gnome-speech-ibmtts.
I'm at the point where I need to install libgnome-speech7 and this is
conflicting with libgnome-speech3.  Should I uninstall libgnome-speech3
before installing libgnome-speech7 or will that ruin the speech I have

I'm running the feisty version  of ubuntu, should I upgrade to gutsy?

John J Morgan
Center For Languages Cultures and Regional studies
745 Brewerton Road
West Point, New York, 10996
Phone: 845-938-5329
Email: john morgan usma edu
Cell: 914-382-6925
Fax: 845-938-3585

...-----Original Message-----
...From: orca-list-bounces gnome org
[mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org]
...On Behalf Of Kenny Hitt
...Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:05 PM
...To: orca-list gnome org
...Subject: Re: [orca-list] Emailing: msg00005.htm
...Your information is wrong.  Both Debian Testing/unstable and Ubuntu
...Gutsy include gnome-speech packages for ttsynth.
...          Kenny
...Orca-list mailing list
   Orca-list gnome org
...Visit for more information on Orca

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