[orca-list] question with laptop battery status saying

Dear List!

I have a little question with laptop status saying:
For example with Ubuntu Hardy, in top panel, have a laptop status indicator applet. If I press enter key and moving arrow keys, this indicator, shows how many percent with remaining my laptop battery. I would like doing a little script, wich saying this information automaticaly (how many percent the battery remaining, or how many minute for remaining with full charge etc). I would like define this little script with Capslock+shift+b keybinding for example. The little script moving the top panel, search the indicator (in hungarian localization named "ikon"), pressing enter key, and moving one down arrow key. The information spoken automaticaly. But how can get cursor position before moving the top panel?
Or, another method:
the script was read the /proc/acpi/Battery/BAT0/Info file (I hope this path is correct, if not I looking), interpreting this file with user friendly output, and spoken this information and writing braille display. But my friend sayd, this file is uncalculated numbers, and I don't know how calculate this informations. Have any manual calculate this information?
Have any ydeas? I would like write this script is confortable, because I 
would like in future non hungarian users know using this little script 
is possible.


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