Re: [orca-list] Can we drop FireVox support in Orca?

On Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 11:01:35AM -0500, Mike Reiser wrote:
The only reason why I trhink firevox should still be supported is that 
it provides a funciontion for listing elements on a page such as links 
in a list view at the press of a key.  THis is usefull for those of us 
that are use to windows screen readers and who like to use first letter 
navigation to find a link.  
Doesn't the ' command in Firefox achieve this more effectively?

The difference between ' and / is that the latter searches all text in the
document, whereas the former is confined to links. To move focus to the text
that matches the search, you can wait for the timeout to expire, which is too
slow for my liking. This can be adjusted in the preferences though. Also,
pressing the escape key has the same effect.

Note that the search is carried out as you type: each character entered
refines the search, and moves, where applicable, to the first match.

I've never used Windows screen readers, so I don't know how this compares with
the list view. However, Lynx 2.8 has a list view option that I don't use -
it's easier to use a text search of the Web page.

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