Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca

Just a note on the Python vs. C issue:

As I dig into it more, I believe the idea is that the core server of SpeechDispatcher is (and will remain?) a C-based service that talks to TTS engines. It listens on sockets and communicates with external applications like Orca via Brailcom's SSIP protocol. On the client side, there will be a number of language bindings that provide convenience mechanisms for handling SSIP. So, the Python bindings in question are really for helping Python-based clients, such as Orca, to talk to the SpeechDispatcher service via SSIP. I think.
 As my knowledge of SpeechDispatcher grows, so do my questions about 
what is complete and what is planned.  Like the AT-SPI, which is 
composed of the AT-SPI IDL, ATK, GAIL, a bridge for ATK, a bridge for 
Java, C bindings for the client side, etc., there are a lot of 
components to SpeechDispatcher (TTSAPI, SSIP, language bindings, TTS 
engine drivers, config files, etc.) that make the learning curve a 
little steep.  Couple a lack of knowledge about the complete 
SpeechDispatcher picture with the possibility that things will be 
changing in the future, and it gets a little daunting.
I still need to do a more thorough examination of the Python speechd 
bindings to see how well they map to the overall requirements.

On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:02 PM, Jason White wrote:

On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 03:33:05PM +0200, Halim Sahin wrote:

Regarding orca I don't know if this performance issues are related to
python but I can not confirm that it isn't.
I would suggest checking memory usage. Gnome and its applications 
substantial amounts of RAM; if your machine is using swapspace 
extensively, it
will be very slow and could become unresponsive in Orca.

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