Re: [orca-list] Pulseaudio and speech-dispatcher/gnome-speech in Ubuntu.

am Mi 16. Apr 2008 um 12:26:10 schrieb Luke Yelavich <themuso ubuntu com>:
I have requested permission to upload a change so that speech-dispatcher doesn't start by default.
This is a not a good solution, it showed to be very confusing for the  
users in case of both
Festival before and now Speech Dispatcher.  A side effect of permitting  
Speech Dispatcher
in /etc/defaults/ will still be that the rest of the audio is destroyed  
if the user is using
Pulse Audio. This is even worse, I believe, because now Speech  
Dispatcher doesn't start
by default and we still have the original problem.

I don't quite understand. The way I see things currently, given that my upload is allowed, is this. The 
system is installed with gnome-speech. The user wishes to switch to speech-dispatcher, so they install it. 
Since it is not running at system boot, pulseaudio still functions. They can then go about configuring 
speech-dispatcher the way they want. If they don't want pulse, they can turn it off. If they do want it, 
they can configure speech-dispatcher to run as their user, any way they see fit.
How can I deactivate Pulseaudio. It isn't started with the system,but with 
the user session, so can you pleas point out, where the start up command is 

Can't we at least change the configuration of the output modules from  
"alsa" to "pulse"

Yes, I could do that.
When I tried to set this manually it didn't work.

and start a Pulse Audio daemon under the speech-dispatcher user from  

No, we can not. PulseAudio will never run system wide, or even specifically for another daemon user by 
default, particularly at this late stage. There is just over a week till hardy is released, I'm pushing it 
as it is. 
When I tried to install it under Gutsy, it ran system wide, but this 
deactivated my sound devices completely. If I've understood the 
documentation on the Pulseaudio site, it is possible to run PA system wide, 
but they don't recommend it for security reasons (there are some lacks in 
some modules, allowing attacks).

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