Re: [orca-list] Pulseaudio and speech-dispatcher/gnome-speech in Ubuntu.


Peter Vágner  wrote:
Hynek Hanke  wrote:
lets wait a moment now to see whether we will manage to sort these
things out somehow without asking you and the other users to do all of
this by hand.

Thanks for the reply I'll wait. The issue which forced me to ask for the
user solution is that I'd like to have all the gnome sounds coming
through the primary soundcard and espeak through the other one. I don't
think this is possible with gnome-speech so it's why I'm so interested
in speech-dispatcher at the moment.
Are there any new ideas related to this? Does anybody know if it is 
possible to use different audio device with gnome-speech?
Is there a way to restart speech-dispatcher on GNOME startup/end with 
the different config files?
Or what a problems might I expect by removing pulse audio at all?


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