Re: [orca-list] BrlTty defunct after upgrading Gutsy to Hardy


in gutsy:

When i tried to upgrade to brltty 3.9, brltty 3.7.2 didnt 
uninstall correctly, i had to undo the modifications to 
/etc/init.d/brltty before the package would uninstall. After this brltty 
3.9 installed without any problems.

Then a while later i decided to attempt to upgrade to hardy, modifying 
and doing an upgrade all worked fine, except that orca didnt ever seem 
to talk to the braille display.
Brltty is running, works in terminal mode, the python brlapi bindings 
where installed, but still no braille and orca.

I did a update/upgrade cycle every few days, but nothing happend in this 

With all the debate about speech output options, and the various hacks 
that needs doing, its currently on a todo-list for a reinstall of good 
old gutsy.

So our experiences seem to have coincided.

rest of reply in-body:

On Tue 29/04/2008 at 19:23:52, Y P wrote:

I've upgraded a laptop from Gutsy to Hardy using this method:
      sudo aptitude update
      sudo aptitude full-upgrade
to first full upgrade Gutsy. Then: 
      sudo aptitude install update-manager-core
      sudo do-release-upgrade

For brltty it proposed me to keep the current one, idem for the brltty.conf,
that's the standard action; I ignore what to do so I simply pressed ENTER.

The current brltty seems to be 3.9, so in fact it has upgraded it anyway.
Why answering then things if it upgrades anyway?
Jon: its because it recognized that there is a difference between your 
brltty.conf and the one that comes with the package, so it asked if you 
wanted to keep your own one, which is configured with your preferences.

But now there is no any brltty when booting;
and whe doing  ps ax |grep -i brl ENTER  for checking if it is started,
I can't see any process started automatically.
jon: what happens when you simply type brltty in a terminal? any output?

And I still have the same brltty.conf as before with my de (german) table.

Note: due to the bug in the Gutsy, at that moment I had recommented some
raws to prevent some actions but I don't remember in which file it was and
if that have caused tje problem now?
jon: it did for me, but cant say for sure, in your case.

Here are my conf files in attach.


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