Re: [orca-list] Many Ideas, Issues and Qs: Newb, Very Long

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, Veli-Pekka Tätilä wrote:

q2. Can I bind a shortcut key to launch Orca without having to use the
run box for the job? I've looked and Gnome launchers appear to have no
facility to bind hotkeys to them directly, arrtgh.
Why not set up orca to automatically start on log in?
If you still want a shortcut key google for
"setting hotkeys for icons in gnome" or something similar

q4. I'm not a big fan of Gnome, finding it annoyingly Windows like and
not power user enough, so is Xubuntu accessible with Orca? I've been
What is xubuntu?
And what is wrong with gnome?
If you want to be a good linux administrator, you really should learn the cli instead of depending on graphical tools... What if you try some experomental stuff out and it breaks orca, or gnome then how do you fix it?
reading list archives and already know KDe, that all my sighted Linux
friends use, is not.
Its not, and from what I hear its meant to be good, so I think some work 
is being done on at-spi to start helping qt accessibility along...
One of the orca developers told me this off list, so shouldn't say too 
much since I don't know much about it.
i1. If you hold down tab in a dialog for a long time  using key repeat,
or do a lot of things, Orca keeps babbling stuff that's not relevant for
tens of seconds. The same goes for holding down backspace in the
terminal. Sometimes, however, this is useful. So howbout an optional
mode that flusshes any content to be spoken when-ever new content comes
about. This would give me the fastest access to the newest information.

Submit a request on bugzilla.

i2. Could ORca by any chance, when you use it in Ubuntu, for example,
neatly follow right changes. So that when running as root another
instance of orca would be spawned automagically behind the scenes and
killed as well when not needed any more or after a time out. The latest
Narrator works sort of like this with UAc prompts, as an example of
OT:ish matters.
Dunno what you mean, but why just ubuntu?
Why are your suggestions distro-specific when orca actually runs on the gnome platform, which can run under most versions of linux.
i4. I find some of the chosen hotkeys rather hard to recall especially
those in review mode. It might be helpful if the physical layout of keys
would be exploited to the max. I would find it far easier if the actions
for moving lines and characters, as in a grid, would be an up, down,
left, right arrow like formation, for example. Page keys and home/ end
could maybe signify larger units. But I don't know all the orca and
Gnome conventions so this is an old MS hand speaking, <grin>.
I personally like the keymap and MS isn't that important, but if you like 
just change the keybindings in the orca prefs.
Hope that helps, some of the stuff I didn't know and I have to be quick.

Got to run...

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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