Re: [orca-list] is very urgent

Hi all

Johan, what accessibility problems are you experimenting with Evolution?
Evolution is quite accessible since 2.6.1 version and is well supported by Orca.
Although some accessibility bugs are registered, it works very nice.

I know that many beginner people have problems navigating the interface so I will write some notes to help on 

Johan, If you wish, you can also subscribe to tiflolinux mailing list, to discuss GNU/Linux, accessibility 
and Orca in spanish language. Visit for the main page
And for the Orca wiki in spanish.

Hope this help,


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De: orca-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] En nombre de Johan Trujillo
Enviado el: miÃrcoles, 06 de agosto de 2008 16:29
Para: orca-list gnome org
Asunto: [orca-list] is very urgent

                        El mar, 05-08-2008 a las 15:09 -0400, Guy Schlosser escribiÃ:
helo my name is johan trujillo from venezuela and  I have 1 question I 
am using the evolution bad I can't have to mouch accesivility what I have to do?
pleace hel me I have de orca vertion 2.23 thanl you 
Please do turn it on by default. Whenever I install Ubuntu for 
I always forget that I have to turn progress messages on.


Mike Pedersen wrote:
Hi all, does anyone have any strong objection to turning progress 
bar speaking on by default.  I've long felt that this should be the 
case and would like to change it for 2.24.


Mike Pedersen

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