Re: [orca-list] Need help with gnome-speech.


Can you please send the errors from the compile?


Thomas Ward wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have ben out of the Linux loop for quite a while, and this passed
Sunday I installed ubuntu 8.04 on one of my computers at home. However,
I absolutely can't stand the Espeak voices that come with Ubuntu  8.
What I want to do is recompile gnome-speech 04.16 with drivers for my
Dectalk and Cepstral software but I am getting errors.
Here is what I have done I have installed the Dectalk 5 software,
installed Cepstral, and also installed Festival with the Festival dev
packages. Then, I grabbed  the official gnome-speech 04.16 source code
Before compiling I ran the following updates so I get a gnome-speech

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-speech
sudo apt-get install festival
sudo apt-get install festival-doc
sudo apt-get install festival-dev
sudo apt-get install festvox-kallpc16k
sudo apt-get install festvox-kdlpc16k
sudo apt-get install festvox-rablpc16k

Under normal circomstances this is enough to get a decent build of the
gnome-speech services with festival support plus I already mentioned
install Cepstral and Dectalk so those dependancies are there as well.
Now, I unpacked gnome-speech-04.16.tar.gz
and changed to the directory.
In gnome-terminal I did

./configure --prefix=/usr

The autoconf configuration part of the compile worked fine. no warnings,
errors, etc. However, during the make process gnome-speech completely
bombed out. The Cepstral and Dectalk, and even the festival speech
servers compiled fine. However, everytime it gets to the espeak part of
the compile it blows up. I would like to do one of two things. Either I
would like to tell the compile to completely ignore espeak server, or I
would like to have someone tell me what packages I must remove in order
for gnome-speech to not see them and compile. I have tried removing the
espeak package, but it still picks it up and tries compiling. So no
good. I need a list of packages to remove or some command to pass to
autoconf to tell it no I do not want, will not want, and please don't
compile a espeak server.

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