Re: [orca-list] Orca Completely Broken!

Hermann wrote:
* Steve Holmes <steve holmesgrown com> [11.02.2008 19:24]:
I Just did a 'svn update' a few minutes ago and now Orca doesn't work
anymore.  When I do 'startx' from a console, I hear the gnome startup
sound followed by "Welcome to Orca" and all silence after that. ...
If you have real bad luck, you end up in completely setting up your 
system. I experienced similar things with SVN Orca.
So I would recommend to install a stable Orca in the system's path, and 
do the experimental install in a different path, for example /opt or 
completely in your home directory.
Assume you install in /opt, it might look like this:
Change into your SVN directory and type:
./configure --prefix=/opt
make make install
(I'm not sure whether a "sudo" is necessary in that case).
You can create a symlink in your system's path to point to the experimental Orca in difference to your stable one. If SVN brakes down, you can continue working and take your time to look for the cause of the brake-down.
Just a thought.
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I kicked the tires on revision 3561 and everything seems fine.


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