Re: [orca-list] developing orca

am Sa 16. Feb 2008 um 09:32:10 schrieb Rich Burridge <Rich Burridge Sun COM>:
Out of curiosity, wouldn't FireFTP extension not work for FTP needs?
I don't know. Hopefully one of the Firefox accessibility experts on
the list can answer this one.
I'm no Firefox accessibility expert, but I've tried Fireftp a while ago 
in FF 1.5/2.0 under Windows. It's rather unaccessible, the navigation 
was difficault, I had to use the Jaws cursor in most cases.
So I think making Fireftp accessible would be the same amount of work 
then making any FTP client accessible.
I personally prefere a full functioned FTP client. The goal should be to 
make GUI FTP programs as accessible as the ones used in text console.

I use grml (

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