Re: [orca-list] I think my installed Ubuntu and Orca is just plain unstable!

Bob Tinney napsal(a):
I now have speech with speech dispatcher and ESpeak, but none of the gnome
speech drivers work and I can't bring up the orca preferences and orca -t
doesn't work either.  I've lost access to my viavoice synth, but I can now
play music and use orca at the same time.
Hello Bob, Did you read ?
There is a tip named "Orca hangs with 100% CPU usage when attempting to
run setup" at the end  of the Troubleshooting section which might help.

IBM viavoice is supported by Speech Dispatcher, but you may need to
install an additional package (I'm not sure how it is solved in Ubuntu)
or compile Speech Dispatcher from source.

Best regards, Tomas

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