Re: [orca-list] Orca and sound editing again

Hi Janina,
Many thanks for that tip, will give it a try and see how i like it.
Many thanks,

On 2008-02-18 at 11:13 Janina Sajka wrote:

If you're satisfied with keyboard shortcuts, you should look at Ardour2.
Please note I don't consider Ardour2 accessible as it stands, but it is
loaded with keyboard shortcuts.

PS: Be sure it's 2 and not a 0.9 or 1 version of Ardour.


Christian writes:
Hi all,
I didn't have much luck with Audacity and Orca. The preferences dialog
was not accessible with Orca, couldn't select the settings i wanted to
I had another go with Jokosher, v0.9. I have been able to playback and
import an audio file into a project but I have been searching for keyboard
shortcuts but haven't found any. Maybe this could be something if there
were some keyboard commands to common tasks such as start stop playback,
rewinding, selection, etc.
I was able to pan the audio file from channel to channel.
All the best,

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