Re: [orca-list] IBMTTS and slackware

You confirmed what I thought might be the case regarding libstdc++, I
did think it was quite tied in with other parts of the system.

I did get one response off list (I replied to that response on list as I
thought there may be useful information) saying that it depends
on /usr/lib/ Whilst slackware doesn't
have that file in that location, it does seem to have it
in /usr/i486-slackware-linux/lib which I beleive is a path used by ld.
Might copying this file or linking to it from /usr/lib/ work?

Whilst I haven't dealt with oralux people directly I do get the
impression from their website that they will be helpful, and if they
would give me my money back if I couldn't get things working (even
though it is quite a small amount, particularly compared to ttsynth)
this gives me even more confidence to get voxin.

Michael Whapples
On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 22:54 +0100, Georgina Joyce wrote:
Hi Michael

I really don't think building from source is a viable option.  because
libc++ is part of the tool chain which means that it's bound to the
version of kernel headers and gcc.  If you wish to consider it you might
want to read the related pages of the linux from scratch lfs book.  I'm
not sure how they coexist on a system for these speech packages but they
obviously do so there's a way.

I'd suggest you email the folks at voxin they are very helpful and will
give you your money back if you are not satisfied.


On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 20:36 +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
I know this has come up before, but I can't remember any actual final

Whilst I thought espeak was fast enough, I found I had to use a windows
machine last week, and it reminded me how I do actually use eloquence in
windows faster than I have espeak. This has got me thinking whether I
should get IBMTTS for linux, but I have a few questions.

I know that IBMTTS requires an old compatibility library, which I am
unsure is provided in slackware. So how could I go about trying to get
this library? Does anyone know of a suitable slackware package for it?
If not how might I go about providing this myself from source (I had a
look around for the source code I might need, but all libstdc++ seems to
have numbers such as 6.0.x etc much highrt than what the TTSynth site
suggests, 2.9.6 or 2.9.5). Could it be possible to use a package from a
different distribution, eg. I remember back in the days when I used
trplayer, I could use rpm2tgz to convert the realplayer 8 package into a
slackware package and it worked fine, but I suspect that for libstdc++
compatibility libraries things may not be so simple.

This brings me on to another question, whether to use voxin or ttsynth?
The ttsynth website says there won't be any support provided, so I guess
this means if I buy ttsynth and can't get it working then I am on my own
and may have wasted money on it. Might things be better with voxin,
their website says that voxin includes the libstdc++ compatibility
library (I guess for debian or ubuntu as those are the distros

Alternatively I am wondering whether it would be best save the money and
stick with espeak as it is good and works, where as ibmtts sounds like I
may hit all sorts of compatibility issues and potentially have no
support from the seller.

Michael Whapples
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