Re: [orca-list] Links List - firefox extension

Will writes:

suppose someone wanted to write a
keyboard navigation extension for Firefox to do better handling of caret
and structural navigation than we can do in Orca.  Do you have an idea
of how difficult/complex this might be and do you know of someone that
might want to do it (and get paid for it)?
Well, to some extent, FireVox implements this now:

I haven't really used it extensively though, so don't know what its shortcomings are. However, it does not attempt to overload the arrow keys, in fact it doesn't use them at all. I'd like to see smart use of arrow keys - i.e. something that takes the best navigation from Orca and Jaws and rolls them into one.
I think the issues will be with the screen readers which use virtual 
buffers - can we get them to move their point of regard consistently as we 
shift mozilla's focus? I don't know. The rest seems pretty easy (famous last 
I'd love to do this (and get paid), but I want to investigate a few things 
before I really commit.  I'm currently reworking linkslist into 
headingslist, which will include next/previous heading commands. This will 
attempt to shift focus from heading to heading, so will give me a pretty 
good idea of how screen readers deal with this.  Stay tuned...
-- Rich

----- Original Message ----- From: "Willie Walker" <William Walker Sun COM>
To: "Hammer Attila" <hammera pickup hu>
Cc: "orca-list" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Links List - firefox extension


Yeah - thanks for taking the plunge on this and showing folks it's not
all that bad to do things "in process" in Firefox, and that it can be
much more performant than if we tried to do it in Orca.

I have a question for you -- so, just suppose someone wanted to write a
keyboard navigation extension for Firefox to do better handling of caret
and structural navigation than we can do in Orca.  Do you have an idea
of how difficult/complex this might be and do you know of someone that
might want to do it (and get paid for it)?


Hammer Attila wrote:
Dear List!

Rich, congratulation this extension!
I am very happy because this function is easyest using links with
Firefox and Orca.
I have a little questions:
How can I translate the extension message when pressing alt+shift+l
combination with hungarian language? Ok and cancel button translated
correctly because this buttons already translated.

Later, I would like learn how can I write nicefuly accessible extensions
with firefox and Orca. It is difficult? Have a good documentation how
can I doing nice extensions?

Possible doing lists of forms elements, headers etc?


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