Re: [orca-list] Links List - firefox extension

I would like to also say that this seems a good start.

I do have a couple of comments which you may wish to consider in the

Could it be possible to have it so you could type in the list and it
starts searching for that string. If in the list is not easy for a
firefox extension (I know that some GTK apps do have this ability), then
could there be a search box and the contents of the search box is used
to filter the list of links (ie. splitting how one control works in some
GTK apps into two controls).

The other comment, probably isn't really to do with your plugin, but I
noticed this when using the plugin. If you go to
and select the listen again link, then use the list of links plugin on
that listen again page, orca became very unresponsive, and it took an
amazingly long time for it to respond when the dialog got focus (not
just when it appeared, but if I were to alt+tab away and back, this is
why I think it might be more orca than the plugin as the plugin should
not be doing anything when I do the alt+tabs). I know that page has a
large number of links. Might this be something which should be filed
against orca in bugzilla?

Michael Whapples
On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 09:04 +0200, Halim Sahin wrote:
On Mi, Jun 04, 2008 at 12:22:57 -0400, Rich Caloggero wrote:
Here is the updated version, with shortcut key alt+shift+l to invoke.
Thanks really good work. one small problem with the alt+shift+l shortcut.
My german localized firefox uses this one allready. Is there a chance to redefine 
it via add-on-settings?????

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