Re: [orca-list] Links List - firefox extension

I agree here, JAWS has an option to alphabetize the order of the links in the list but I never use it.
As for the idea of being able to type letters while in the list and have the 
list start searching for matching items like in GTK I think that would be 
extremely difficult to work as the list widget has a first letter feature 
built in which would have to be overridden.  I think a search box within the 
links list would be incredibly useful though - if you could tab to it then 
type a few letters and have the list contents reflect  only those links 
whose text begins with the text in the search box.
Not sure if an alphabetical ordering would be needed to implement this. 
Presumably the list of links would need to be rebuilt after any typing in 
the search box and the links shown would have to be filtered so that only 
the matching ones were included.  Dunno how efficient this would be though.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes" <steve holmesgrown com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Links List - firefox extension

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 02:01:48PM +0200, Hermann wrote:
And one question in addition: What do you and the other list members
think about an additional alphabetical sort order? I'm undecided on
this, but some of you may like/need it.
My first thought is I would probably not use that aspect; I would be
much more interested in links relative to proper page order.  I
realize that in order for incremental searches to work, the list would
probably have to be alphabetized but dunno for sure on that.
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