Re: [orca-list] Linkslist-1.2 and Headingslist-1.0 ready for testing

The Mozilla developers site has everything you need on the topic of learning XUL and extension writing. Google is your friend for sure.
THat said, xul planet  featured a great tutorial on their site which has 
since been moved to Mozilla. However, the single document version, which I 
find much quicker to browse, didn't make it to MDC as far as I can see. So, 
here is a link to it on my server:

Hope this helps.
-- Rich

----- Original Message ----- From: "Krishnakant Mane" <hackingkk gmail com>
To: "Rich Caloggero" <rjc mit edu>
Cc: "Orca screen reader developers" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Linkslist-1.2 and Headingslist-1.0 ready for testing

hi rich, great going indeed.
dude, can you please specify what changes have you made to the
linklist version 1.2 apart from changing the shortcut key?
by the way alt-ctrl h seams to be good idea except that it does look
odd to match with links list.  else ctrl shift e would be a logical
thing if h is already occupied.
any ways great going.  this is just to show how scientific approach
works.  write some thing which comes as an extention, do rapid
development without disturbing the main streem code and make one
moduel to do one thing and do it perfectly.  wonderful approach
I will try the headings list and let the list know.
infact rich, I have a request.  do you know of any good tutorial that
will help me learn the extention development process?  I am good to go
with java script, which can be an advantage.  while I am trying to get
hands-on with orca scripting, writing accessible modules for firefox
would be good too.
happy hacking.

On 06/06/2008, Rich Caloggero <rjc mit edu> wrote:
You can get them from:

I will also link names without version numbers to the most recent version.
You should be able to simply install the updated linkslist right over 
you've already got installed; mozilla should keep track of version 
and automagically uninstall old versions as appropriate.

I've changed the keyboard shortcut for linkslist to control+shift+l.

Check out the menu structure for headingslist - this is more along the lines
of what I'm thinking about: each package in its own submenu, and maybe a
surrounding menu of navigation aids or something like that eventually.

The headingslist shortcuts are control+shift+up and control+shift+down for next/previous. I'm having troubles with these with Jaws (to be expected),
so am very curious to see how they act with Orca.
There is a shortcut of control+shift+h to open the actual list of headings, but it seems to conflict with a built-in firefox key. If anyone can think of
a good one for this, let me know. The only one using the letter "h" which
isn't taken seems to be control+alt+shift+h (ugh)!

-- Rich

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