Re: [orca-list] accessible daisy player software

I messed with idair some and ran into a lot of seg fault problems with it. I did start working on it some to correct the navigation keys; they were backwards from what I could tell so switched them around. I left it alone for a while now because in addition I found that the program kept replaying buffers of audio so it appeared to be stuck. I'm rather disappointed that there isn't a decent Daisy player for linux that actually works. I can't get listen-up to play any book I have access to. After my Victor Reader Stream came in the mail last year, I've pretty much given up on finding a decent linux daisy player.
Willem van der Walt wrote:
There is idair which works for daisy 2002 but it is console-based.
There is also listen-up, but that would not play modern books.
I have never tried, but I think idair should work from a gnome terminal.
You can find idair from:
Listen-up is available from:
There is another project on sourceforge called DaisyDelight, written in python which has a lot of potential.
I made it work under Linux but it is not ready for use yet.
It has a basic text interface and a tk interface.
It would be relatively easy to give it another interface.
The problem is for now, that it does not go into the lower levels of a book, so you would just hear the contents, forward and cover information and not the actual contents of the book.
HTH, Willem
On Thu, 19 ://://Jun 2008, Aruni Sharma wrote:

Hi, ­­Is there any free daisy layer software for gnome which is
accessible with orca?
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