Re: [orca-list] acroread

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Dorado Martínez, Francisco Javier 
Enviado el: miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008 8:15
Para: 'David E. Price'
Asunto: RE: [orca-list] acroread

Hi all

David, did you install acroread plugins?

I don't experiment with acroread long ago, but I will give it a try.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: orca-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] En nombre de David E. Price Enviado el: 
martes, 11 de marzo de 2008 15:37
Para: aerospace1028 hotmail com; orca-list gnome org
Asunto: Re: [orca-list] acroread


I can read documents in acroread. However, I'm using the latest svn trunk 
versions of Orca, at-spi, etc.

Just so you know, there are lots of problems with Acroread, but I haven't 
yet had the time to check bug lists to see if they have already been 


But I'm having some issues with reading pdf doccuments.  I can open the 
file, and the "reading untagged doccument" dialog jumps up and I make 
sure it's on "infer reading order from doccument" and "read the entire 
doccument" before pressing start.  After the progress bar goes away, 
orca won't read the doccument.  I tried the orca navigation keys on the 
numpad as well as the arrow keys, but the computer just sat there.  I 
found I can open the edit menu (orca works with the menues but won't 
read the text of the doccument) and "select all" then "copy" and open a 
new open office writer document and "paste" the contents and the 
information seems to be there.
I also noticed that after closing acroread, orca stops speaking altogether. 
I have to quit orca an restart it to get speach back.

Is this people's general experience with acroread?  Would downloading 
acroread from adobe work better?  Or is my orca just too far behind?

Thank you:-)

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