Re: [orca-list] failure installing orca from sources,

very impressive answer Hermann!

really thank you very much. just a question then, and I will go ahead right now and reinstall gutsy. it isn't difficult to do. what branch of orca do I need to get under ubuntu gutsy? it ships with gnome2.20. and do I need to install python-atspi if the answer was to install orca 2.20?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Hermann" <meinelisten onlinehome de>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] failure installing orca from sources,

am Do 13. Mär 2008 um 10:11:08 schrieb Mohammed Al-shar' <mohammed atexplorer com>:
OK, let's answer step by step:
1. I have made sure that my system is up to date: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade.

That was the first problem:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
This makes sure, that only the packages of the certain distro are
upgraded. "upgrade" installs all related packages including unstable and
experimental ones.

2. I issued the commands: sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca and sudo apt-get install subversion gnome-common automake1.9 with no troubles except for a warning that some packages were not authenticated and it asked me if if I want to install them anyway, so I answered yes.

As I told you, you musn't ignore warnings. Maybe it has to do with the
"upgrade" issue.

3. I then grabbed the latest sources from orca, svn co orca, it was revision 3720.

Here we get the next problem: The very latest Orca only works with the
latest atp-spi, atk and gail; you get this over svn. See the wiki on the
Orca page. Unfortunately I don't know the exact link by heart, but it's
in the chapter "download/install Orca".

4. I then changed to the orca directory, cd orca, and did a sudo ./autogen here it did its thing, but warned me that I passed no arguments to is this still true? I remember in the passed we used to pass the location of orca in /usr/lib or so.

Don't do "./" as root. You can write it with no argument,
however Orca will get installed to /usr/local instead of /usr.
Consequence: You have 2 Orcas running, unless you've uninstalled your
previous Orca:
sudo apt-get remove gnome-orca
You should decide which way you want to go.

5. I then did a make and then sudo make install which went fine.

but now orca is silent. I repooted and then went to run and typed orca, nothing happens, not even a warning. same if I run orca from the terminal. what can I do?

It should be clear why this happened. In addition: You must install the
package python-atspi, it's also needed for Orca since 2.21:
sudo apt-get install python-atspi
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