Re: [orca-list] problems with and Firefox

Hi Kenny.

For me, Up and Down Arrow read all of the text (for some reason it seems
to occasionally be adding "list" where it doesn't belong, but text isn't
missing).  As for sayAll, problems on that front are on my to-do list,
but I'm afraid I haven't gotten to it yet. :-(  Sorry!!  Soon

Take care.

On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 22:13 -0500, Kenny Hitt wrote:
Hi.  It looks like Firefox access has been broken either with a Firefox update or Orca 2.22.0.
Since the boxis I've tested on have slightly different versions of Firefox, I suspect Orca.
Would someone please try 

Orca reads part of the page and then stops.  I can use tab to move to other parts, but read to end skips 
the text of the reviews.  Up and down
arrow do seem to read part of the text, but not all.


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