[orca-list] Antwort: Re: Problem with braille in orca CentOS 5


yes, brltty is working pretty fine. But when i'm starting orca the screen
shows screen not in textmode. Is there maybe a special mirror to install
maybe the missing packages. But i think there are all packages installed.
brlapi at-spi etc.

tnx regards Marco

Windows ist wie ein Lemming...
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             <Sebastien.Hinder                                          An
             er ens-lyon org>           orca-list gnome org            
             Gesendet von:                                           Kopie
             @gnome.org                                              Thema
                                        Re: [orca-list] Problem with   
                                        braille in orca CentOS 5       
             25.03.2008 10:43                                          

I need help in CentOS 5 and orca! Orca is working very well with festival
speech in CentOS, but my braille is not working. What could i do, to get
work.? Another question. How could i install the espeak package in
Have you installed brltty ? Does it work ?

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