Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca

Sorry, but I don't share your point of view:
It's the originary job of a screen reader toread the screen as appropriate as needed by the user. This 
implies the 
of punctuation pronunciation and announcement (or not announcement) of capital letters.
For me your comments tend to put the blame on others:
Various synths are developed for various tasks, and the use in screen readers is one, and perhaps not the 
main purpose. 
Having said that, I conclude that serving the needs of screen reader users must be mainly the task of the 
screen reader 
developers. Are you really willing to argue with each and every synth programer about the behavior of his 
synth? I think 
this would waste a lot of time and energy.
And do you really mean that the pronunciation of words/names is the task of an application, and the 
programers should 
pay their main attention to this? Are, for example, the developers of FF responsable, when Orca does not 
speak a name 
correctly? I can't believe that.
What would you say if someone comes up and asks for complete implementation of punctuation/pronunciation 
rules in SD? 
Your answer would be: SD is a server not a synth; and you would be completely right.
Every screen reader in the Windows world has the ability to adjust pronunciation/punctuation, and I cannot 
see any 
why this should be different in the Linux world. For example: In jaws it takes you a few keystrokes to 
correct a 
mis-pronounced word. If FS would have started arguing with the developers of Eloquence, IBM, AT&T, Realspeak 
etc. etc. 
they would not have moved anywhere.
So please think twice about your suggested approach.

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