Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Hardy Install Instructions (Re:updating wiki?)


You need to logout and back in for the changes to the .orbitrc file to take effect. Also don't forget you need to modify /etc/sudoers (ideally using visudo) to get speech for running stuff as root.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Wells" <richwels samobile net>
To: <william walker sun com>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Hardy Install Instructions (Re:updating wiki?)

That worked but orca still stops talking when I am asked for my
password when executing an administrative task. Do I need to log out
and back in again to get it talking while in the sysadmin environment?

Original message:
Hi Richard:
1. Where should the .orbitrc file live... in the root directory or in
the home directory that needs a talking sysadmin?
The exact filename is "/root/.orbitrc".  If you create this file as
root, BTW, then I'm guessing the chmod/chown stuff will not be
necessary.  I just listed it for completeness in what I had done.
2. When I did chmod 644 .orbitrc I got an invalid mode message back.
What do I do to get these permissions set?
"sudo chmod 644 /root/.orbitrc" should work.  If that doesn't work, I'd
guess /root/.orbitrc doesn't exist.
3. When I did chown root.root .orbit I got an invald message about that.
Do I have my arguments backwards? Am I using these commands incorrectly
or is it done differently in ubuntu?
"sudo chown root.root /root/.orbitrc"
Hope this helps,
Richard Wells wrote:
You said in part:
1) Create root's ~/.orbitrc file (/root/.orbitrc, with and
of root.root with a mode of 644 on my system):
2) Edit /etc/sudoers to add the following line after the line with
"env_reset" in it:
Defaults env_keep+="GTK_MODULES"
A couple of probably stupid questions arise from this procedure.
1. Where should the .orbitrc file live... in the root directory or in
the home directory that needs a talking sysadmin?
2. When I did chmod 644 .orbitrc I got an invalid mode message back.
What do I do to get these permissions set?
3. When I did chown root.root .orbit I got an invald message about that.
Do I have my arguments backwards? Am I using these commands incorrectly
or is it done differently in ubuntu?
I know I am showing my ignorance here, but as you can see, I need a
little hand-holding through this.
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