Re: [orca-list] orca starting strangely

Makes sense to me, I will try this later on.

on Thursday 05/08/2008 Kenny Hitt(kenny hittsjunk net) wrote
Hi.  Here's my theory. 
The reason you don't hear any thing else after "welcome to orca" is that nothing has focus.  When you 
press alt-f2 and escape, you give focus to something.
i do the same thing after first logging in by pressing alt-control-tab to give my desktop focus.

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 11:26:51PM -0400, John covici wrote:
I am having a strange problem with ORCA when it starts -- I hear
Welcome to Orca and nothing more, but if I hit alt-f2 and then escape,
everything is normal -- can someone tell me what is happening?


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         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com
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         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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