Re: [orca-list] Emacs in gnome was [orca not speaking after screen is locked]

OK, that is interesting, but I have run into this other major problem
with emacs where it wants to speak the whole screen when I type each
character or at least the whole screen after the character.

on Thursday 05/08/2008 Steve Holmes(steve holmesgrown com) wrote
Hash: RIPEMD160

Interesting about the emacs window.  I have always been using the no-X
version of emacs from Slackware so I guess I never ran into the
problems with emacs not speaking natively.

Concerning the clicking of URL's from gnome terminal, just use the
flat review keys to find the URL of interest and right click it.  You
will hear a context menu with one of the choices being "Open link".
On my Slackware 12 box running dropline-gnome, I get the link opened
up in Firefox.  Works every time for me beautifully.

You can cut/paste text from the terminal by using the flat review keys
to highlight the text you want.  Press the left click or "/" key to
begin the selection and then find the other end of what you want and
then press shift-control-/ key to complete selection.  Shift-control-C
or Edit/Copy will copy that to the clipboard; shift-controlV or
Edit/Paste will paste it in from the clipboard.  I just now tried
these steps and it works in the same terminal, other terminals and
across other gnome apps.

- -- 
HolmesGrown Solutions
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