Re: [orca-list] Page presentation issues

am Fr 16. Mai 2008 um 09:57:24 schrieb Jeffrey Shockley <jawswizard ec rr com>:
Hi list,
I'm wondering about the presentation of links in Firefox and how it can 
be adjusted to have have each link on it's own line like Windows 
screenreaders do? Also, is there any reason why the navagation of 
webpages is so slow?
Let's put the question the other way: Why is Windows so fast? Steve gave 
the answer, because webpages get buffered and are presented as a simple 
text file with all stuff adjusted left.
Orca presents the webpage in its original structure, and since nowadays 
websites tend to be very large and contain lots of elements, Orca reacts 
sometimes sluggish on this sites, and this is not only true when using 
structural navigation.
There were heated discussions in the list regarding this matter, but the 
decissions are made, and the question is how to speed up Orca within this 

Is there any hope of implementing a links list dialog?
I think the majority of the community rejects such suggestions.

Also, are there any plans to implement an Orca find dialog?
Control+f starts this dialog. To Steve: It's the Orca dialog, not the FF3 
Using the screen search dialog of Orca seems not to be a good solution, 
since webpages are very large and contain a lot of stuff, not only text.

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