Re: [orca-list] Page presentation issues

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

Hi list,
I'm wondering about the presentation of links in Firefox and how it can
be adjusted to have have each link on it's own line like Windows
screenreaders do? Also, is there any reason why the navagation of
Windows way of doing things isn't always right, and this way you actually 
see the way the page looks on the screen.
Instead of all this virtual stuff which makes the page sound completely 
different to how it looks.
webpages is so slow?
Well, its not that slow, how much ram do you have?
And what kind of processor?

Is there any hope of implementing a links list dialog?
Perhaps as a firefox add on if someone does it. Sure. I wouldn't mind this 
actually: list for headings, one for objects, links etc.
Also, are there any plans to implement an Orca find dialog?
One already exists.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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