Re: [orca-list] time...

Hi Will:

I'll look at the page you mentioned before.

Thanks for all your help!

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi Daniel:

How the timeout is added and removed is up to you.


Daniel Dalton wrote:
Hi Will,

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi Daniel:

Thanks, I will.

The basic pattern is this:

1) add the timeout (in milliseconds):

   gobject.timeout_add(1000, myMethod)

2) write your method:

   def myMethod():
       <<<output braille>>>
       return True

With the example above, myMethod will be called once a second. No need to do a loop in myMethod since the timeout is basically doing the timed loop for you.
Makes sense, but will it be interupted on another key press?

Thanks for your help,


Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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