Re: [orca-list] perhaps an orca bug!

Thanks Mike this just sorted my problem with the message list in Thunderbird. When I loaded the Thunderbird specific Orca settings table speech was set to "cell" and needed to be "row". Dunno why I missed that! Works great now :)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Pedersen" <Michael Pedersen Sun COM>
To: "Daniel Dalton" <d dalton iinet net au>
Cc: "orca list" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] perhaps an orca bug!

Hello Daniel,
Does anyone else have the following problem with the latest thunderbird
and orca: when reading the message list all orca says is "thread tree
view" and nothing like the message name.
I can confirm I'm on the message list since when I press enter, I can read
a message because it opens.
This sounds like you have your table row speech set to column.  This
will not work correctly in Thunderbird because the column with focus is
just a graphic I think.

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