Re: [orca-list] Extremely Urgent, and I do mean urgent

Hash: RIPEMD160

Yes, I agree with Hermann here.  You cannot learn linux in one day and
any employer expecting you to jump from windows to linux and give you
only one more day to work out the bugs is most unreasonable!!! You
need to put linux up on a personal machine and learn about it and play
with it and play some more with it and try different things out.  I
couldn't begin to tell you how to configure Ubuntu to access SMB
shares but generically speaking, I have gotten smb stuff to work on my
Slackware boxen.  I pretty much edited the smb.conf file and followed
the comments inside the file to set the options right.  It sounds like
you are trying to access your windows shares from a linux box, right?
First off, share your windows shares using the conventional stuff in
Windows XP and take note of the machine name and the workgroup name.
I assume you are using a workgroup type network and not a domaine

Then learn what you can about samba; go to for
more details if needs be.  This is where you are going to need more
than a single day to work it out.  At least from the command line
prospective, learn about the smbclient command; it will show you
server and share information.  It can also be used to actually connect
to those shares like an ftp client.  The other thing to learn about is
smbmount.  Once you pin down your server and share names, you should
be able to do something like 
'smbmount //server/share /mount-point' where /server/share are your
server and share name you defined and mount-point would be a directory
on your linux box to reach these files.  Once that is all squared
away, you could use Nautilus in gnome to access these files like your
other folders on the linux box.

Hope this can get you started.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 03:47:50PM +0200, Hermann wrote:
Hello Chris,
sorry if I didn't understand your mail correctly, but did your company
urge you to install Ubuntu on your second machine?
If so, they should provide some assistance for you. But if not, I
would recommend you to get back to Windows.
You then may try to explore Linux/Ubuntu on one of your private
machines, and it would be the best to start up using the live CD
first, in order to explore the system step by step.
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