Re: [orca-list] orca questions

Thank you for your answers. As to my third question about the menus, I am thinking that the desktop is just a menu of options, each with a hotkey that launches it. Each option either runs an app or presents a submenu of options for a specific app. If you have ever used an adaptive notetaker such as the braillenote or braille/voice sense, I am looking for a similar menu structure to that, but expanded and more customizable (such as a "locations" option where icons of media you insert are placed, like they are placed on the desktop now). You said that Orca is scrambling to keep up with accessibility framework information, which I take to mean that it has to filter a lot. The interface I am talking about would not do this, unless you were in actual applications, because the interface would be quite simple and have no frames or images. Again, I have no clue if anything like this exists or if that homemade linux site could help; I have to look at that more.
Have a great day,

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com
To: Alex Hall <mehgcap gwi net
Date sent: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:09:00 +0100
Subject: Re: [orca-list] orca questions
On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 00:43 -0400, Alex Hall wrote:
Hi all,
Here are the questions I promised in my previous post.
1.  I am starting out with Ubuntu 8.04.  Orca keeps randomly not
speaking for several minutes.  It comes back, but I can hit
alt-f2 and type "orca" to get speech back faster.  Why is this
happening, and would going to an earlier version of Ubuntu
resolve this?
What probably is happening is that orca is recieving a lot of
information from the accessibility framework and is taking time
process it. Most of this information is probably not going to be
as it might be due to a window being altered (eg. controls being
etc),so the observed will be orca not responding. If you press
and type orca and press enter, it restarts orca, so probably
the processing of all that information and then starting it at a
where it doesn't need to catch up. Going back to an earlier
probably won't solve it, in fact it might be worse in earlier
as orca has recieved some performance improvements (I know
certainly in
firefox). I don't know if it is just my imagination, but I feel
runs slightly better on some other distros, although you still
will get
some cases where a restart of orca helps it along.
2.  I am going to try a bunch of Linux versions tomorrow, most
designed for thumb drives, including a few types of Puppy Linux,
Breezy, Slax, and DSL, among others (sorry for the spelling,
someone told me about them; I did not see the names myself).
I put Orca, or some sort of screen reader on any of these?
Potentially yes, but I will give the longer answer as well. The
short is
yes as it should be possible to compile everything needed for
orca if it
doesn't exist for a distro, but that might be a bit much
if you are new to Linux). If we are going with do they come with
orca or
another screen reader by default, then it is some. I don't know
the ones you mentioned, but a simple rule about orca is that if
it comes
with gnome (I think it is gnome version 2.16 or higher) then orca
be there, although I have known situations where orca is there
but the
distro hasn't included a speech synthesiser. One distro I can
has a screen reader, speech synthesiser, and everything you need
to get
going is GRML ( The difference here though is that
screen reader I am thinking of is speakup, which is a command
line based
one and so will mean you are working in a full text console. It
might be
possible to get orca working on it as GRML is debian based and I
can take debian's packages, but this will need installing (if
haven't changed from when I read about it).
3.  This is not Orca-specific, and let me know if I should take
this to another list, but is there a menu-based linux around?
They all have GUIs, but I would like one closer to Windows 3.1
setup (if I remember it correctly; I was very young when I used
it).  Basically, all the applications are in one menu, which
replaces the desktop, and each app either launches or brings up
its own menu when you hit enter on it or press its letter to
launch it. Could I make something like this with the "build
own linux" project I found? (I know that name is wrong, I cannot
remember the actual name off hand).
I am not quite sure what you mean, do you mean absolutely every
application in one single menu rather than the gnome categorised
way? If so, I am not sure. One possibility might be that I think
menu system can be reorganised by editing a file (I don't know
about it, but I remember seeing a comment in a slackware gnome
document saying about if your menus weren't correct then look at
files). I can try and find that comment out again for you so as
to give
an indication of which files.
Thank you for any help!
I hope it has been of help.
Have a great day,
Michael Whapples

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