Re: [orca-list] Structural navigation

hi wili, jasen tomas and hermann.
I do completely agree that the keyboard navigation and a few such
things need to be in the form of an extention.
there are a few points to be considered.
we have been talking about form element lists and its different views,
similarly the links list etc.
I will add one more feature, skip to the next non link text block.
for example if there are a lot of links one after the other and then
the real content starts, there has to be a keyboard command to skip
there/  I know many sites specially developed in Plone or such CMS
have a "skip to content " link.
but many don't.
now considering all these features, it is good to have it in the extention.
but firstly, if mozilla at all is so serious about accessibility which
I believe they are, this extention should come by default in firefox
and not require any user to download it.
as tomas rightly said that many sited people might perhaps like to use it.
or was it not tomas who said it on this thread?
this means that by default firefox will have the features any screen
raeder would rely upon.
so this is pritty logical and scientific that accessibility at the
application level is screen reader independent and may bennifit more
than one kind of users.
now the real question is, how difficult is it to write an extention?
well IMHO, it depends on what we are trying to do in an extention.
the things which we are addressing here might not be so difficult to
write in an extention, but there might be places where this may sound
a bit donting to mozilla guys or who ever is doing that extention.
secondly, if and when there will be more screen readers available,
there should not be a clash in the key strokes being used or may be
there is a totaly different approach to navigate which might be
mutually disturbing both that screen reader's navigation system and
the firefox extention.
these are a few things which came to my mind instently.
I believe that extention is a proper way to do the accessibility work
and right now atleast there is no point running after the mozilla
hackers to do some core changes to mozilla code.
requesting them to have this extention by default in mozilla will be
much more easier to do.
happy hacking.

On 24/05/2008, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 08:29:38AM -0400, Willie Walker wrote:

We had many long and difficult conversations with the Firefox team about
getting Firefox to properly support keyboard navigation.  The problem is
that the caret navigation code in Gecko is apparently ensnarled deep
inside the core rendering code.  My understanding is that nobody
understands it and nobody wants to touch it.
Will this change with the large rewrite that is being undertaken for Mozilla

Also, having code in a piece of software that nobody wants to touch is a
bad scenario for future maintenance. Surely it ought to be partly or
rewritten at some point, which would be the best opportunity to implement
proper keyboard navigation in the core of Gecko.

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